Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes furniture and mattresses can be treated. Most mattresses can be saved if they are treated and properly fitted with bedbug safe covers. But when the bed bug infestation is severe getting rid of mattresses and infested furniture can be the best option. Bed bugs don't remain on beds during the day. They hide on cracks and crevices around the room so be sure whoever treats for you, does a thorough job finding all of the hiding spots. This can take a long time and can be expensive. Call around and ask a lot of questions to find an affordable knowledgeable company. Many companies offer steam treatments. Not only are they effective but they eliminate concerns about pesticides.
Here's an article with pictures of what to look for and tips on preventing spreading and keeping the bugs from reaching the bed at night.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Warm Fall weather brings Fleas to South Jersey in droves.

 Here in South Jersey weather conditions have been just right for fleas this season. Many of our customers have reported a worse than usual season.Getting rid of fleas for good can be a complicated process. Because their life cycle involves constant laying and hatching of eggs there are almost always fleas and eggs present at the same time. Many off the products available over the counter do not address the eggs. There are professional grade products that will not only kill the fleas but will also prevent fertile females from laying new eggs that may hatch after the pesticides have faded. An infestation that has gone on for a month or more may need to be handled by someone who understands the flea life cycle and can use a multi pronged approach to rid your home of the problem for good.
If you have cats or dogs you'll have to time the treatment of your home with the treatment of your pets.Some vets are beginning to suggest that fleas may have developed a resistance to certain products that are applied to the base of a pets neck. Read the ingredients if you use these products and go for one that is less common. This will reduce the odds of resistance.
Also if you look for a professional pest control company, be sure to enter your location, example South Jersey Pest Control Fleas

Thursday, November 3, 2011

South Jersey Weather grows cold, Mice seek indoor shelter

Rodents can cause endless problems for a homeowner. Their feces can carry disease that can spread to humans.Working in partnership with a knowledgeable pest control company can eliminate the problem. When rodents choose to make your home theirs it is because they are seeking food, water or shelter from the elements. It is important to make sure that your living environment does not offer these things to unwanted creatures. Follow these steps to keep mice and rats outdoors where they belong. 
South Jersey, rodent control, pest control

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Have Raccoons Chosen Your South Jersey Home as Theirs?

Animals choose an environment for what it has to offer them. Is your yard, attic or shed shelter from the elements? or perhaps it offers a food source. At a time when the raccoons are not around inspect the area where you last saw them. Look for holes in fences, damaged wood on sheds or garages, plants that have been gnawed on. Find out what is making your property vulnerable and fix it. Be careful if you should spot a live raccoon. they can become easily agitated and have been known to attack when they feel threatened.Consider a professional to trap any animals that could pose a threat. For more on the topic of animal (wildlife) control and removal see

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mice Control South Jersey

Mice can get through a hole as thin as a pencil. Make sure that all tiny openings are sealed up. Mice can enter through the connections behind the dishwasher, stove, washer and dryer. They crawl up drain pipes under the sinks and
Where the water pipes and the wiring enter the house
Keep limbs from touching the roof, and check for tiny openings in crawl spaces too. Check all over the outside. Be sure there are no holes anywhere. Mice can squeeze through holes that you may assume are too high for them, a mouse can easily climb up a vertical surface. If you can fit your little finger in a whole then a mouse will have no problem getting in either.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pest Control South Jersey

FAQ - Flies everywhere, where did they come from
You don't mention the temperature where you live. Are flies still active outside? If so, have you checked
around the windows and doors to see that there are not cracks or holes that they are using to gain access from the outside?
Are there any garbage cans left close to an entry way or in the garage? Many people leave their garbage by an entry. Garbage attracts flies and when a door is opened they are attracted to the more favorable temperature inside. (air conditioning in summer, heat in winter)
It's best if you discover the source of the problem and fix it.
An indoor fly problem can com from a small animal carcass that may be in a wall or chimney. Your problem doesn't seem severe enough for this.
Fly traps and papers that you can buy at a supermarket or hardware store can be helpful for a less severe problem like yours. If it gets worse there are treatments that are available to professionals that aren't on the market to the public.
South Jersey Pest Control

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Get rid of wasps South Jersey

 Pain, redness itching and swelling are all normal reactions to a wasp sting. Allergic reactions include trouble breathing, nausea dizziness fever and fainting. If you experience an allergic reaction seek immediate medical attention.
For more on the subject of wasps see

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ant Control South Jersey

Many people use over the counter pest control products such as traps, sprays and gels to get rid of ants. What they don't realize is that pesticides are highly regulated. The products that are available to the public do not contain high enough concentrations of chemicals to destroy a large colony of ants. When ants are exposed to small concentrations of pesticides some members of the colony may die and disappear from an area. It may appear that the problem is solved but behind the scenes the weak concentration of chemicals has irritated the colony. As a defense, a stress reaction is triggered causing the colony to reproduce at a faster pace in order to ensure its survival. The ants may avoid the treated area, the homeowner believes the problem has been solved in the meantime the ants will appear in another location of the home. A single ant colony may have many satellite colonies located throughout the home. Often times a home owner may discover one of these satellite colonies, believing it is the main colony they again attempt to destroy it. If it is not the main colony, then once again the rapid breeding stress reaction has been triggered. Instead of solving the problem, unbeknown to the home owner he has caused the colony to grow. A cycle like this could go on for years when the home owner believes he has solved the problem and that new ants infest the home again and again when really all along one large colony is growing and expanding with satellite colonies throughout the home. Until the colonies are killed the ants will continue to live and grow in the home.
Ant Control South Jersey

Monday, August 29, 2011

Stink Bugs

By now everyone is familiar with the bothersome Asian native that made it's way into Pennsylvania in the mid nineties. The stink bug, aptly named because of the offensive smell that it omits when handled is similar in appearance to the assassin bug. how can you tell these two bugs apart, which one is harmful and which one is merely annoying? click to find out
Stink Bugs

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wood Boring Insects

Wood Boring Insects     Termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, powder post beetles and other wood boring insects if left untreated can cause extensive damage to your home and furniture. to repair or replace items that have been destroyed can be expensive. Fortunately if you catch them early the chances are good that they can be thoroughly eliminated thus saving your greatest asset from harm. Learn the signs of infestation so that you can get expert intervention before it’s too late.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hornets and Wasps and Bees Oh My!

How can you tell the difference between a wasp, a hornet and a bee?
Hornets are actually a type of wasp. There are two obvious ways to tell a wasp from a bee. Wasps are slender and bees are plump, wasps are smooth skinned while bees will have hair. Another difference between the two is that bees will die after stinging. their stingers are barbed and will remain inside the victim as the bee tries to fly away after the sting. A wasp has a smooth stinger and can use it again and again. Wasps can become aggressive when agitated. It is best if you encounter a nest of wasps to call a trained professional to remove it.
Wasps nests can be found in a variety of places, in trees and shrubs, in abandoned burrows, under eaves, inside attic walls, behind shutters and in the ground. For more on Wasps Hornets and bees go to  http//

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Carpenter Bees Standing Guard

Have you ever been minding your business outdoors, doing yard work or just sipping iced tea when suddenly out of nowhere you are attacked by a large angry buzzing black bee. if so you have encountered a female carpenter bee standing guard of her nest. without realizing it, you've come to close to the nests entry hole and the mama bee feels as though you are a threat to the larvae inside. She will defend the nest aggressively. Many people make the mistake of thinking that if they kill this fiercely protective creature then they have solved the problem, but complete eradication of a carpenter bee infestation is much more involved than that. A carpenter bee population if left ignored year after year may grow to include hundreds of holes. Each of the holes penetrates the wood an inch or two and then makes a 90 degree turn. At the end of the turn will be numerous larvae. It's the larvae that complicates the process. Larva may end up hatching way after the adult bees have been treated. By this time the chemical used to kill the adults has worn off and the larva have a good chance of survival. Carpenter bees will instinctively inhabit the same nest for generations so even if you kill of the initial population, without tending to the larva within the nest then you will have bees in the same location year after year. each hole has to be treated individually with a product that will remain long enough to kill larva as they hatch. Click for more on the habits of the carpenter bee .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Will tossing the Mattress Get Rid of the Bedbugs?

No. It is a myth that Bedbugs live in the mattress. They actually hide during th day in cracks and crevices around a room. At night they sense the heat of the human and crawl onto the bed by way of a bedside table or the legs of the bed or an adjacent wall. (bedbugs cannot fly or jump) Getting rid of the mattress will help if there have been eggs laid in it but that is not necessary. There are casings that can be put around the mattress that will seal in the bedbugs and prevent them from escaping if they do hatch. They will die in place. The real key to a successful bedbug treatment is not so much what you do as how you do it. knowledge of the typical places that a bedbug will hide is a must. A detailed attentive application of pesticide or extreme heat in these areas will go a long way toward total bedbug eradication.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Safer Termiticide

Atricet, the newest environmentally sound and effective termiticide on the market has been introduced by Dupont. Altricet is specifically formulated to work on biological processes unique to termites. Because human beings do not possess the biological process that Altiset targets it poses no risks to human beings and pets.
Read More

Monday, April 18, 2011

South Jersey Pest Control Company Responds to Economic Down Turn

South Jersey Pest Control Company responds to the economy. Tom Murry of Cato Termite and Pest Control in Southern New Jersey stated recently that his company will embark on a massive pricing overhaul in response to recent economic down turns."Insects, rodents and wildlife don't stop invading properties just because a homeowner loses his job." says Tom Murry. Mr Murry maintains that while the average homeowner or renter has experienced an income reduction in the past few years, the need for pest control remains constant.As the owner of Cato Termite and Pest Control, Tom Murry has recognized the need to accommodate the decrease that many of his current and potential customers may be experiencing."It's our way of supporting the economy. If prices are too high for the average home owner than services can't be provided, money doesn't change hands and the economy remains stagnant." Mr Murry explains. "When we drop our prices, more people can afford our services, more money changes hands and the local economy has a chance to recover."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ten Things You Can Do to Live Roach Free

It is true that roaches can be tough to get rid of. Some will say if the infestation is bad enough then being roach free is a hopeless prospect. That doesn't have to be the case.
Roaches carry more than 50 disease spreading pathogens including the salmonella bacteria, typhoid and E. coli. No one should have to live with roaches.
When treating a roach infestation, a good result depends on a good partnership between the pest control provider and the resident who lives with the roach infestation. There is much that can be done to insure a complete and lasting resolution to roach extermination. It is important to Keep in mind that roaches like any animal have predictable habits and tendencies. Knowing what these are and acting accordingly can go a long way toward getting the most out of your pest control treatment.
Roaches thrive in environments where conditions are just right. They love warmth,nooks and crannies to hide in, darkness, moisture and plenty of tasty morsels to feed on.If conditions where roaches thrive are made less than ideal you can increase the odds of success for the pest control provider and reduce the chances of a future infestation.
Here are ten important steps to take to live roach free.
1) Take away the roaches food and eliminate moisture. Roaches will eat any type of food that they can find but they are particularly fond of grease.
2) Check around for any pools or drips of grease that may have accumulated around your stove. If you find any, scrape the excess and use a heavy duty degreaser to eliminate all traces of grease.
3) Check behind and under all appliances, including the refrigerator and trash containers. Look for crumbs, spills or any other food residue and clean it thoroughly.
4) Store all food products in airtight plastic or glass containers or in the refrigerator.
5) Clean up spills immediately and never leave out glasses, cans or bottles that contain soda, juice or beer.
6) Check for leaks under the sink, or in water lines that lead to the refrigerator and repair any that are found.
Now that you've taken away their food and drink it's time to tackle the housing issue. Roaches are nocturnal creatures. They come out at night to mate and to search for food and water. During the day they hide in dark cracks and crevices. The more cracks and crevices there are, the more housing you are providing for the roaches.
An important step toward roach eviction is to declutter.
7) Eliminate piles, clear surfaces and keep everything up off of the floor.
8) Go through all of your belongings. If it is not currently useful, get rid of it. Get rid of your stuff and you'll get rid of the roaches that hide in it.
9) Inspect the premises for cracks in and around base boards, lighting fixtures and where the walls meet the floors. Neatly caulk all obvious cracks and crevices.Especially those that may lead to outside.
10) Consider a maintenance contract with a reputable pest control company.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

When Should I Call a Professional?

Spend a little time in any hardware super store and you'll come across a myriad of products for do-it-yourself pest control. From sprayers to gels to traps and baits, everything the professionals use is available for sale to the layman. Or is it? Yes and no. Many of the products that you see for sale over the counter do contain the same or similar active ingredients as are available only to the licensed professional. That raises the question, why do professionals even need a license if what they use is no different from what anyone can buy? It's because of the concentrations of the chemicals that are available in your local supermarket or hardware store vs those that are available only to trained, licensed and certified professionals. What is found in the products that are available to the public are very low percentages of the pesticides available to professionals. Over the counter products contain small traces of these chemicals, often not even enough to kill the pest that they are intended for. Many times small concentrations of chemicals will deter a pest and cause it to move to another location in the same home. Later when it is rediscovered the home owner believes he has another infestation when really it is the same hoard of roaches, colony of ants or nest of mice. Some insects have a survival mechanism that causes them to breed faster once they have come in contact with these weak chemicals. So in reality the home owners attempt to fix his problem has only made it worse. High concentrations of pesticides are often required to thoroughly eliminate longer established colonies of insects such as bees, termites and ants. Most states have very strict guidelines for handling these higher concentrations and for good reason.Pest control is far more involved than just plopping down large amounts of poisons any place where you've seen the pest. Knowledge of the pests biology, nature and habits is essential in achieving effective results with the least amount of effect on the environment. pest control products applied wrongly are often completely ineffective on insects and animals that may never come in contact with them.So when can a layman attempt to
do his own pest control? It depends on the type of infestation, the degree and severity of the problem at hand. Many infestations can lead to dangerous situations for people and damage to the property so number one is safety.Ask: Is this situation threatening to humans or property? Termites, or a possible rabid raccoon on the property as well as rodents that may chew electrical wires are examples of dangerous infestations that require immediate professional intervention. If you are inclined to want to treat a pest control problem on your own do so immediately upon discovery of the situation. Early intervention is the single most agreeable factor on the side of the do it your self pest control novice. If you do not see results right away you may want to consider calling for professional help. The longer an infestation is allowed to grow on a property the more difficult it will be to overcome. Some home owners may have thorough and lasting effects with swift and proper use of over the counter products. If this is not the case, the longer you put off calling a professional the worse your problem becomes. Delayed intervention for the sake of saving a dime may end up costing more in the long run.
For information on how to prevent infestation in your home go to

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Keep your family safe from the lyme carrying deer tick.

Many people have a false sense of security when it comes to the lyme disease carrying tick. They think that if they stay away from areas where deer roam then they won't be exposed to the deer tick. That is not necessarily true. A variety of ticks and fleas are also carried by smaller woodland animals such as rabbits, squirrels,possums, raccoons and mice. These animals may intrude upon your property carrying the ticks and fleas with them. The ticks and fleas then leave the animal and lay in wait in tall grass on bushes, in piles of lawn debris and in ground cover. They wait for another animal and when they sense it's heat they jump onto the new host. They are often carried into the home where they will breed and attack other family members and pets.
There are several things that can be done to reduce the odds of a flea or tick infestation in your home. Where light colored clothing when working in the garden especially around tall plants and overgrown trees or bushes. Light color clothing will enable you to see a tick or flea more easily. Keep landscaping trimmed so that people do not brush up against it as they walk on paths and patios. Provide a hardscaped area for family use such as a deck or a patio. Keep the yard tidy and free of debris piles.Keep fencing in good repair to limit the odds of animals coming on to your property. Keep grass mowed short. Always check children and pets when they come in from outdoors. For more on ticks and fleas go to:Read more on TICKS AND FLEAS

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Springtime is tick time!

 Do you know what to do to protect your family against Lyme carrying ticks?
  * Cut back vegetation and remove plant debris debris to reduce shade and moisture.
    * Keep grass mowed short.
    * Compost or bag leaf litter.
    * Avoid use of ground cover vegetation in frequently used areas.
    * Reduce cover for mice. Prune trees and shrubs. Clean up storage areas.
    * Use pavement, stones, mulches, and water-conserving landscape techniques.
    * Move swing sets away from the woodland edge.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do Cockroaches deserve the good press they've recieved?

Recently cockroaches have been seen in the news in a positive light when a popular zoo offered on valentines day to let you name a cockroach after your sweetheart for a fee. This sparked a rash of news stories about the little buggers to the point where one might even say we (the public) have developed a soft spot for the previously notorious creatures. What's the real story? Has the long standing hatred of cockroaches been deserved. Are we weary for a reason or should we go with the low and allow the cockroach to be absolved of it's  public enemy status.
According to a well known university entomologist the cockroach is a carrier of more than 50 bacterias and diseases. It is also a forager which means it randomly scours surfaces looking for anything and everything it can find to eat. Cockroaches can be found in abundance wherever unsanitary conditions exist such as garbage bins. They make their way into restaurants and grocery stores through cracks and crevices and then find their way into grocery bags and other packaging materials. This is the number one way cockroaches spread into homes. Cockroaches pick up various  pathogens on their travels through rubbish. These pathogens adhere to their legs and are spread as they crawl across counter tops, tables and other surfaces in the home. So maybe a cockroach can't be blamed for direct transmission of disease. But anyone who eats a sandwich that 's been placed on a counter top, on which only hours before these disease carrying insects had scurried, may find themselves eating food poisoning organisms such as salmonella, e-coli and even typhoid. As for cockroaches and whether or not their nasty reputation is deserved. It's your call.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Which carpenter bee has a yellow face?

Did you know that you can tell the difference between the male and the female carpenter bee by the color of their face? Well that's only one way. The other way to tell the male insect from the female insect is that the female insect will sting and the male will not. So it's not a very good idea to go around getting close enough to a carpenter bee to tell the male face from the female. But if you happen to get a glance, you will notice one gender has a yellow face and the other is black. Can you guess which is which? Give up? Follow the link for the correct answer.
Carpenter Bees

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Carpenter Bees why can't I get rid of them?

Carpenter bees are black and yellow bees similar to the bumble bee but about a half inch to an inch in size. We see them here in South Jersey in the spring on through to the early fall. They bore perfectly round holes the size of a nickle into wood on homes. They're usually active in the evenings. if you see carpenter bee activity during the day that is a sign of a larger colony. You can tell a male from a female because a male carpenter bee has a yellow face and a female will have a black face.The female carpenter bee will sting so it is wise to avoid all carpenter bees. Getting close enough to see the color of the face will put you at risk if you happen to bee confronted by a female.
People who have experienced a problem with this wood boring bee can tell you how frustrating getting rid of carpenter bees can be. Carpenter bees will drill into any wood that they can including siding, overhangs, desks, fences, window and door frames and even patio furniture! The longer you ignore a carpenter bee problem, the more difficult they'll be to get rid of. For more on the carpenter bee see Carpenter Bees

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Most People Don't Know About Ticks and Fleas

Ticks, like fleas, are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of a host animal. They transmit a variety of diseases, the most well known of which in South Jersey is Lyme’s Disease. Since the habits of the tick are much like that of the flea, a lot of what you read about ticks in this blog will apply to the flea and vice versa
Many ticks, such as the deer tick, the brown dog tick, the groundhog tick and the bat tick are named for the host on which they are most commonly found. They are however, capable of feeding on just about any mammal and will take advantage of the food supply that is most readily available. Raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, bats, mice, possums and skunks are all known to host several species of ticks. These animals and others, including the family dog or cat are the main transporters of ticks from the wild to our domestic environment.
The rabbit, skunk, or other creature will come in contact with the tick in a wooded area or open field and then carry it onto your property. The tick will attach itself to an unsuspecting pet which will bring the parasite into your living space where it will drop its eggs. The eggs hatch into nymphs, they grow up and lay more eggs and the cycle continues, resulting in an infestation.
Even if your pet is kept indoors ticks can enter your attic or crawl space attached to hosts such as bats, squirrels, mice and, raccoons. After the invading wildlife is discovered and removed the tick may be left behind to forage for an alternate food source. This is when it may gain entrance to the living area. So if your home, attic or crawl space has recently harbored a woodland invader don’t be surprised if you soon experience a tick infestation.
Read more about getting rid of fleas and ticks:Ticks and Fleas

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bed Bugs on the rise

National Pest Management Association reports a 95% rise in the number of bed bug cases from 2000-2010

Text Cato

Cato termite and pest control is trying out a new service Text CATO to 64842 for up to the minute information on our services, deals, contests and promotions.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to tell if you have Termites

Termites can be a home owners worst nightmare. Fortunately early detection can save a lot of worries. Most people know that a termite colony will send out swarming termites. The swarming termite is the reproductive member of the colony. In the spring, if a colony has grown large enough, the winged reproductive swarmers escape the colony through cracks around the doors, windows, and foundation of the home. They are off to establish a new colony of their own. Once they do so they'll shed the wings that are no longer necessary. To many knowledgeable home owners the shed wings are their first clue that termites are present.
But it's a little known fact that not every colony sends out swarming termites every year. It may take up to three seasons for a colony to grow large enough to branch off into another colony. Some homeowners may have a false sense of security thinking that if they haven't seen swarming termites or their shed wings, then they are in the clear. This is not always the case. There are early signs that you can look for to know if your home has been infested with termites. Follow the link for important information on the signs of a termite infestation, pictures of termites, swarming termites, and the mud tubes they travel through.TERMITE

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do You Really Have Bed Bugs?

You wake up in the middle of the night itchy and irritable, what's the first thing you think of. Not bed bugs...couldn't be. In the fifties with the use of DDT bed bugs were eradicated from our country. For more than a generation "Good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite was just a meaningless child's rhyme. Today bed bugs are back with a vengeance. They are no longer associated with poorer living conditions. Bed bugs are being found in five star hotels, on college campuses and quite literally in the news when the offices of one popular news station were recently infested. While the buzz about bed bugs is true, there is a bit of bed bug phobia in the air as well. Bed bugs are more than just an annoyance. They are creepy,their bites are itchy and irritating and they can be hard to get rid of. No one wants them. People are on the alert. Our office has received more than a few calls recently from customers who were convinced that they had bed bugs when in fact they did not. How can you put your mind at ease and rest assured that you'll sleep tight with out the fear of the bed bugs biting? Follow the link to learn
How to identify a bed bug infestation and tips to prevent one.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeding Animals in a Residential Neighborhood Has Unintended Risks

During the winter months it becomes harder for birds and squirrels and to find food. Many well meaning people put out bird feeders or scatter bread crumbs or left over food in their yard so that birds and squirrels may have an easier time of it.many times unbeknown to the homeowner they are not only feeding the squirrels but they are also putting out a tasty display for other woodland animals such as skunks,raccoons,and possums. No harm done some might think but the opposite is true. When small animals such as birds, squirrels skunks,raccoons and possums are lured into a residential neighborhood to eat, many problems follow. These creatures often nest near a consistent food source making it more likely that they will break into an attic or crawl space in a nearby house. The odds are high that they will not be a welcomed guest in the home so now they're at greater risk of being harmed by a frustrated home owner. small animals that eat from backyard food sources are also at greater risk to be hit in traffic.Apart from the harm done to them, theses animals bring a set of risks to humans and pest as well. In New Jersey, skunks, raccoons and possum are among the top rabies carriers. rabies can spread to pets and humans. While squirrels and rabbits don't pose a rabies risk to humans, they frequently carry fleas and mites that settle in a yard and can easily be picked up by humans, cats and dogs. If you are compassionate towards woodland creatures and their winter plight its best to feed them in a park or by a wooded area. Don't worry if you are consistent in providing a food source the animals will find it.For more on the subject see
Cato Termite and Pest Control

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How does a pest control treatment effect my pet?

Understandably a lot of people are concerned about the safety of their pets during a pest control treatment.
The products that are approved for extermination of insects in the state of New Jersey, are safe on larger pets such as cats and dogs.But you will always want to follow precautionary measures when animals and small children are in proximity to pesticides. The time to be most careful of your pets is during the actual treatment. Never allow your dog or cat to make contact with an applied pesticide while it is still wet. Most pesticides are perfectly safe for exposure to animals and children once they have dried. If you have concerns about your pets or children it is a good idea to keep them outside, in another room or with a friend or neighbor during treatment.  If you have smaller pets such as hamsters, gerbils and birds they should absolutely be moved to a safe area while the treatment is taking place.
If you have a koi pond and you are receiving a yard spray or an outdoor perimeter spray be sure to inform your pest control professional of it's location in advance. He or she will want to be extra careful around this area so as not to over spray or spray in an area where run off will be a concern.Some chemicals breakdown at different rates than others and different pesticides are recommended for different uses, so you'll want to ask your pest control provider for the product safety information on the chemicals that will be used in your home. Be sure the instructions on the label are followed.
It is rare but possible for a small dog or kitten to experience harm from pesticides. If you should notice your pet acting lethargic after a pest control treatment call poison control or your local animal hospital immediately. you will want to have ready the exact name of the pesticide in question when you call.
For more information on safe environmentally sound pest control go to

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to What's the Buzz with Pest Control

This blog is mainly to offer interesting facts about bugs and critters, to tell you when and why they make news and to inform home and business owners on how to keep their property pest free. 

Cato Termite and Pest Control is a family owned and operated exterminating company that provides pest control services to Southern New Jersey. We believe in educating our customers on an integrated approach to pest management. 

There is so much that a home or business owner can do to lessen the odds of infestation. Prevention is worth a pound of pest control treatments! Simple habits can go a long way in helping to keep an environment pest free. It's surprising sometimes what people don't know. For example keeping mulch and plant material a few feet away from the home can help prevent bugs from entering the home. 

Sounds obvious doesn't it? Not so much, next time you're out riding around, take a look at some random houses. Notice how many bushes, trees and flowers are planted right up next to the structure. Bugs eat plants, drink from plants and live on plants. If the plants are set back from your home then the bugs will be set back from your home. 
Logical right? 

Sure, but not the first thing that most people think of when they are in the landscaping planning stages. Many gardens have been laid out by builders and often bushes and trees are already in place when a home is purchased. If this was the case for you. You might consider transplanting the smaller plants so that they are set back at least 18 inches from the structure.

If larger trees or bushes are the problem be sure to cut away any branches that grow in the direction of the building.Check back soon for more useful tips. In the meantime read more steps that you can take to keep your environment pest free on our website  Click Here