Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeding Animals in a Residential Neighborhood Has Unintended Risks

During the winter months it becomes harder for birds and squirrels and to find food. Many well meaning people put out bird feeders or scatter bread crumbs or left over food in their yard so that birds and squirrels may have an easier time of it.many times unbeknown to the homeowner they are not only feeding the squirrels but they are also putting out a tasty display for other woodland animals such as skunks,raccoons,and possums. No harm done some might think but the opposite is true. When small animals such as birds, squirrels skunks,raccoons and possums are lured into a residential neighborhood to eat, many problems follow. These creatures often nest near a consistent food source making it more likely that they will break into an attic or crawl space in a nearby house. The odds are high that they will not be a welcomed guest in the home so now they're at greater risk of being harmed by a frustrated home owner. small animals that eat from backyard food sources are also at greater risk to be hit in traffic.Apart from the harm done to them, theses animals bring a set of risks to humans and pest as well. In New Jersey, skunks, raccoons and possum are among the top rabies carriers. rabies can spread to pets and humans. While squirrels and rabbits don't pose a rabies risk to humans, they frequently carry fleas and mites that settle in a yard and can easily be picked up by humans, cats and dogs. If you are compassionate towards woodland creatures and their winter plight its best to feed them in a park or by a wooded area. Don't worry if you are consistent in providing a food source the animals will find it.For more on the subject see
Cato Termite and Pest Control

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How does a pest control treatment effect my pet?

Understandably a lot of people are concerned about the safety of their pets during a pest control treatment.
The products that are approved for extermination of insects in the state of New Jersey, are safe on larger pets such as cats and dogs.But you will always want to follow precautionary measures when animals and small children are in proximity to pesticides. The time to be most careful of your pets is during the actual treatment. Never allow your dog or cat to make contact with an applied pesticide while it is still wet. Most pesticides are perfectly safe for exposure to animals and children once they have dried. If you have concerns about your pets or children it is a good idea to keep them outside, in another room or with a friend or neighbor during treatment.  If you have smaller pets such as hamsters, gerbils and birds they should absolutely be moved to a safe area while the treatment is taking place.
If you have a koi pond and you are receiving a yard spray or an outdoor perimeter spray be sure to inform your pest control professional of it's location in advance. He or she will want to be extra careful around this area so as not to over spray or spray in an area where run off will be a concern.Some chemicals breakdown at different rates than others and different pesticides are recommended for different uses, so you'll want to ask your pest control provider for the product safety information on the chemicals that will be used in your home. Be sure the instructions on the label are followed.
It is rare but possible for a small dog or kitten to experience harm from pesticides. If you should notice your pet acting lethargic after a pest control treatment call poison control or your local animal hospital immediately. you will want to have ready the exact name of the pesticide in question when you call.
For more information on safe environmentally sound pest control go to

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to What's the Buzz with Pest Control

This blog is mainly to offer interesting facts about bugs and critters, to tell you when and why they make news and to inform home and business owners on how to keep their property pest free. 

Cato Termite and Pest Control is a family owned and operated exterminating company that provides pest control services to Southern New Jersey. We believe in educating our customers on an integrated approach to pest management. 

There is so much that a home or business owner can do to lessen the odds of infestation. Prevention is worth a pound of pest control treatments! Simple habits can go a long way in helping to keep an environment pest free. It's surprising sometimes what people don't know. For example keeping mulch and plant material a few feet away from the home can help prevent bugs from entering the home. 

Sounds obvious doesn't it? Not so much, next time you're out riding around, take a look at some random houses. Notice how many bushes, trees and flowers are planted right up next to the structure. Bugs eat plants, drink from plants and live on plants. If the plants are set back from your home then the bugs will be set back from your home. 
Logical right? 

Sure, but not the first thing that most people think of when they are in the landscaping planning stages. Many gardens have been laid out by builders and often bushes and trees are already in place when a home is purchased. If this was the case for you. You might consider transplanting the smaller plants so that they are set back at least 18 inches from the structure.

If larger trees or bushes are the problem be sure to cut away any branches that grow in the direction of the building.Check back soon for more useful tips. In the meantime read more steps that you can take to keep your environment pest free on our website  Click Here