Monday, April 30, 2012

Carpenter Ants, or winged termites

Spring is the time for the reproductive members of a colony to fly away from the main colony, mate and then scout out a place to create a new colony. This is true for termites as well as many kinds of ants. Step one for you is to be sure which you are dealing with. Here is a link that will tell you if you are looking at a flying ant or a termite
Once you're sure you are dealing with carpenter ants, you need to figure out if the nest is in fact in the home or outside of the home. If you are seeing the occasional ant indoors in the summer there is a good chance that the nest will be outdoors. Sorry to say that carpenter ants, especially the winged members found indoors during the winter or early spring can indicate the presence of an indoor nest. Carpenter ants are attracted to moist conditions such as those that are found Carpenter ants are attracted to excessive moisture conditions around windows, doors, showers, bathtubs, dishwashers, leaky pipes and drains, and under leaky roof shingles. They have also been found in dry areas such as hollow-core doors and false beams, and Blueboard foam insulation. Your best bet is to find the nest if you can and destroy it. if you can locate a new young colony you have better odds of complete elimination. If the colony is well established your best bet is to hire a knowledgeable professional. Pesticides that are available over the counter to the unlicensed novice are often seriously diluted versions of pesticides that require licencing to apply. Follow this link to read up on carpenter ants. When looking for a quality pest control professional be sure you are well informed and don't hesitate to ask questions. If you need more info and you happen to be in South Jersey feel Free to call our pest control company


  1. شركة ركن الذهبيه للصيانة والنظافة ، ارخص شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض تقدم شركتنا افضل الخدمات المنزلية علي الاطلاق حيث انها تقدم خدمات التنظيف المتكاملة مثل تنظيف المنازل والبيوت والفلل والقصور والمكاتب الحكومية ، كما انها تقدم خدمة تسليك المجاري وخدمة نقل الاثاث ومكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات وكذلك كشف التسربات وشفط البيارات
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